Friday, March 22, 2013

Europe's three largest travel town take you take the road of youth

����Britain"Take a shower bath savor" University

Go play: referred to the UK, most people would first think of Oxford and Cambridge. Indeed, the two world's top elite light is very bright, but the entire British worth many more travel, distanceLondonAbout 170 kilometers of the bath is a very good place. Different from the hustle and bustle of London world-class metropolis, "the town is very quiet, take the train from London to the road, feel into the land of idyllic beauty. University of Bath scale is relatively small, only about 8000 students at school, but it was the times named the 2011-2012 best of British university, over the years is also ranked in the top five on the list, in Oxford, Cambridge is a mysterious aura, low-key and hidden.

University of Bath is located at a distance of two km of Bath City suburb, although the city of bath is a retentionRomeThe ancient city of age sites, but the university itself is very modern. Because the "bath" of the original word "Bath" in English is "take a shower", so the University was dubbed the "take a shower University", this name is also a history of. The city is the England classHot springCity, "take a shower" is an indispensable part of people's daily life, whether it is to enjoy the luxury elegant ancient Rome baths, swimming in the Rome style open-air swimming pool, in ancient Rome the Bathroom Shower Bidet, or steam sauna, drink a cup of where specific springs "coffee", will is infatuated with the city's leisurely.

In addition to hot springs this god-given resources, bath is a world heritage city. In the period of Rome bathhouse, George Dynasty Royal Crescent, Bath Abbey, round square, there are many of the museum building in the city of history. Especially in the costume museum and the Vitoria Museum of art, although the size is not large, but the environment quiet, very suitable for visitors to savor, meditation.

����Gas station information

Traffic: can fly to London, and then take a train to the bath, the train takes about 70 minutes by car.

Accommodation: if you want to experience life studies, suggest to choose Youthotel or "B&B" class of Rodina Hotel, so more travel feeling.

Food: to bath must taste is the "spring coffee with mineral water".

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